Friday, May 30, 2014

Day 4

My readership is way down and I think it's due to lack of pictures so you'll be happy to know I have pictures today. On Fridays we take pictures of the cakes and box them for pick up. Today I also got to make little bananas and strawberries for the cupcakes in the cafe's case.

Like I said yesterday, I didn't really get to help with the details that you can see on the outside but I leveled and filled half the cakes and rolled all the fondant that's on the outsides so there's a lot of my hard work in those cakes. I particularly like the steampunk cake that's for the cake decorators husband, it reminds me of my chocolate sculpture I did for my class.------------------------------------------------------------>
I'm excited for next week we have 5 cakes with varying themes and the other intern is only there for two days so I'm hoping to get to do some more of the covering of cakes and detail work.

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