I didn't get off the bus many places but I really wanted to see the Arch de Triomphe so I got off to check it out. There is a huge round-a-bout with cars zipping around going in all directions (and again no lines, so no way of knowing where they're going).
For the longest time I couldn't figure out how I was going to get across all that traffic so I could actually get to the arch but I saw people over there so I knew it was possible.
I circled around the arch taking pictures as I went and eventually found an underground passage that wasn't really marked but it had to be the way people were getting over there. I went down the tunnel and popped out under the Arch.
Again you could pay to go up into the arch but I chose not to due to money and the line. I know Paris probably gets a lot of it's income threw tourism but the way they charge you for every little thing I'm surprised the bathrooms are free. Considering that they were doing construction up there I'm not sure how much you could have seen anyways so I enjoyed my view from the ground and took pictures from lots of angles.

Then something I didn't know was there till I was listening to the audio tour was the grave of the unknown soldier which they have lit and covered with flowers, very nice.