Monday, June 16, 2014

Another Lazy Weekend

Over the weekend I did more laundry and grocery shopping. Things you should know about shopping in Paris (and possibly all of Europe from what I hear) half the shops are closed on Sundays, so don't count on anything being open. While certain butcheries and boulangeries, run by non-christian foreigners, will be open other large grocery stores, like the monoprix, are closed all day. I find it better to just take Sunday to relax but it means making sure you have food before hand. Another thing to to note is that all the prices listed are including tax so you can figure out exactly how much your total will be before going up to pay. This will be nothing new to those of you living in Boulder, but they will charge for bags, it's only 3cents but the cashiers will glare at you like you're killing the environment so it's just better to bring your own. Last thing I'll say, though this isn't really about shopping, machines that accept coins (like the metro stations or laundry machines) don't accept 1 and 2 cent coins which is rather annoying as I'm slowly accumulating a pocket full of change that no where will accept and isn't big enough to do any good.

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